Don't Bite the hand that feeds you: the importance of classroom respect


Respect in the classroom is supremely important! How many of us knows or knew of someone who totally blew their shot at passing a class simply because they were consistently rude and disrespectful to the teacher? There is always that one person who just seems to go way above board while assuming that their behavior or lack thereof will not affect their ability to attain a passing grade. In most of the cases that I have personally witnessed, the individuals had the potential to pass the class however, the incidents just led to their demise.

Why is respect in the classroom important? There is an old saying of which I claim no credit for constructing, but I definitely utilize as a law to live by, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you!" In the classroom the teacher is in control of proceedings. Furthermore, they are the ones who are ultimately going to determine the grade that you are going to get. There is something to be said about being courteous to whoever is in charge of the space that you are in. This is a universal rule that will follow you throughout both your academic and professional careers.

Additionally, students must understand that depending on the course the grading system is sometimes subjective. This means that getting a good grade can be more than just passing the tests. There can other factors at play:

  • Home work
  • Class participation
  • Project work
  • Attendance
  • Punctuality
  • Quizzes
  • In-class assignments
  • Presentations
  • The list is just a representation of all the potential factors.

    Some professors even itemize the percentage that each factor counts to your final grade. If you are one who decides to skip class, not do assignments and show up only for the scheduled tests then you are in a great deal if concern if the course you are taking is making use of all or some of the factors described above as to determine your grade.

    By now I believe you get the point I am trying to make. Simply put, there are rules of engagement in the classroom. Follow them and you are half way to a good grade, failure to do so will serve you no benefit if passing is your objective.

    Until next time remember: As long as you have life, you should live it to your fullest potential.
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